Vous êtes instituteur, animateur, ou en contact avec des groupes d'enfants,
Vous aimeriez utiliser notre aventure sur les mers comme support pédagogique ou ludique pour vos classes / groupes d'enfants,
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour mettre en place ensembles des échanges dont le fond comme la forme restent à inventer !
We have both spent many years working the land with our hands, he as a winemaker in Banyuls-sur-Mer, she as an archeologist in Arras.
TOGETHER we decided to spend the next years our feet in the water.
We were not great sailors, nor sailing instructors, nor naval engineers, there was nothing to suggest that we would sail around the world.
TOGETHER, we gathered our little nautical experience to fulfill our common dream.
On the one hand, the desire of change of life became too strong, on the other hand, the thirst for discovering the world was still growing.
TOGETHER, we decided to explore new territories.
Le voyage de Pythéas